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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday's Agenda

Dear Grade 3' & Parents,

The virtue of the month is Commitment.

In class we have been talking about 'finishing what you start with your best effort and attitude.'

Today we read the book 'The Master's Apprentice,' where Marco keeps his promise to his father even when it was very challenging. Share with your parents, your thoughts on the meaning of commitment.

Please spend time reading tonight. You can also show your parents how to play the 'Mystery Number' game we have been playing in class - where they have to find the numbers that fit into the boxes.

Tonight you are bringing home Literacy MAP homework. Please remember to complete your homework by practicing a line of each word and a sentence below that uses the word. Remember, each line should have the word written 4 or 5 times with proper markings.

Please take some time tonight to practice reading out loud the below poem. We will be practicing reading out loud the poem in preparation for our Assembly.

White Snow Bright Snow
by Alvin Tresselt

Softly, gently in the secret night,
Down from the North came the quiet white.
Drifting, sifting, silent flight,
Softly, gently, in the secret night.

White snow, bright snow, smooth and deep.
Light snow, night snow, quiet as sleep.
Down, down, without a sound;
Down, down, to the frozen ground.

Have a great night. See you tomorrow.

Ms. Toy

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